Κατάλογος ελληνικών επιχειρήσεων > atmospheric pollution
Αναζήτηση: atmospheric pollution
Βρέθηκαν οι εξής κατηγορίες: 0
Βρέθηκαν οι εξής καταχωρίσεις: 1
ΤΜΗΜΑ ΠΕΡΙΒΑΛΛΟΝΤΟΣ ΔΗΜΟΥ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ - Department of Environment of the Municipality of ... « atmospheric pollution
The Department of Environment of the Municipality of Thessaloniki has established a well organized monitoring network for air pollution and meteorological observations consisting of 6 monitoring stations. The record of measurements for the most important air pollutants (ΝΟx, SO2, O3, CO, PM10) is dated back to 1989. Since 1990, significant ...
(Χτυπήματα: 907;
Σχόλια: 0; Προσθήκη Καταχώρισης: Nov 7, 2011, atmospheric pollution)